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Business savings accounts Business US dollar accountsBusiness savings accounts
Effective Date: 13-January-2025
Amount | Rate |
$0 - $250,000 | 1.50% |
$250,000.01 - $15,000,000 | 2.00% |
$15,000,000.01 & over | 2.70% |
Amount | Rate |
Minimum $100,000 | See banking centre for details. |
Interest is calculated on the minimum monthly balance at the applicable rate tier and paid monthly, provided the minimum balance requirement of $100,000 is met. Interest and rate tiers are subject to change without notice. Interest is paid in the currency of the account. Posted rates available at branches only. All rates are per annum and are subject to change without notice.
Rate | |
CWB Business Trust Account (CAD) interest rate | 1.75% |
CWB Business Trust Account (USD) interest rate | 0.00% |
Interest is calculated on the average monthly credit balance at applicable rate tier and remitted monthly directly to the relevant provincial Law or Real Estate Foundation. Interest and rate tiers are subject to change without notice. Interest is paid in the currency of the account.
Amount | Rate |
$0 - $25,000 | 0.05% |
$25,000.01 - $50,000 | 0.05% |
$50,000.01 - $500,000 | 0.10% |
$500,000.01 - $1,000,000 | 0.10% |
$1,000,000.01 & over | 0.15% |
Business US dollar accounts
US dollar
Amount | Rate |
Entire balance | 1.00% |
Interest is calculated on the daily closing balance at the applicable rate tier and paid on the last day of the month, for the period beginning on the last day of the previous month and ending on the second last day of the month. Interest and rate tiers are subject to change without notice. Interest is paid in the currency of the account.
Amount | Rate |
Minimum $100,000 USD Investment | See banking centre for details. |
Interest is calculated on the minimum monthly balance at the applicable rate tier and paid monthly, provided the minimum balance requirement of $100,000 is met. Interest and rate tiers are subject to change without notice. Interest is paid in the currency of the account. Posted rates available at branches only. All rates are per annum and are subject to change without notice.