
No risks. Just rewards.

Get guaranteed earnings you can count on with up to 3.35% on special term CAD GICs
Start earning now

*Limited time offer for 13-month and 29-month non-redeemable personal Canadian denominated GICs, available until March 3, 2025, $1,000 minimum. Offer is open to new and existing deposits, including renewals for clients at CWB, CWB Trust Services & Valiant. Eligible deposit types include both non-registered and registered products, including RRSPs, RRIFs and TFSAs. All rates are calculated on a per annum basis (compounded annually and paid at maturity only), and subject to change without notice. No further discretion is allowed (this includes Gold Leaf, Prestige and Staff bonuses).

To learn more about this offer and GICs covered by CDIC fill out the form below.

money sign in a circle with upward arrows above

Earn tax-free and no-risk savings

TFSA GICs protect the great growth you get with our competitive interest rates from being shrunk by taxes. That’s because TFSA GICs combine the best of both worlds: The safety of a Guaranteed Investment Certificate and the tax benefits of a Tax-Free Savings Account.

Have you taken full advantage of your TFSA contribution room?

The annual TFSA dollar limit for 2024 is $7,000. Never had a TFSA? If you were 18 years or older in 2009, you could contribute up to $95,000!

Get started!
couple on sled at the top of a mountain with snow

Secure retirement savings growth that reaps tax benefits

RRSP GICs are a low-risk investment option for tax and retirement savings. Pro tip: Consider optimizing the tax benefit of an RRSP contribution by prioritizing contributions in your higher income years. 

Get your special term GIC now, with three simple steps:
  1. Open a Summit Savings account online with no set-up or monthly fees. If you’ve already got a CWB savings or chequing account, skip to step 2
  2. Transfer the funds you want to invest from another Canadian financial institution in your CWB account
  3. From Account Services in your CWB.digital log-in, select ‘Open New Account’ and choose the special term GICs under investments.

Get started on your special GIC offer

Connect with a Relationship Manager by completing the form below and we'll be in contact soon.

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logo for Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation - la Société d’assurance-dépôts du CanadaCanadian Western Bank is a member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC).